· Describe the backlash that women face with the glass cliff and glass ceiling. · Discuss the differences between public and private universities and


· Describe the backlash that women face with the glass cliff and glass ceiling.

· Discuss the differences between public and private universities and their promotions of women and women of color.

· Identify the reasons why training programs that prepare underrepresented groups for top positions fail.

· Explain the inclusion of cultural humility as an addition to cultural competency training programs and the factors that encourage cultural sensitivity of higher education administrators and governing boards.

· Analyze the factors associated with the recruitment and hiring of women of color as campus presidents.

· Define the governing boards’ role with gender parity and hiring of women to hold the top positions in higher education.

· Discuss three solutions that may combat the systemic issues against diversity, equity, and inclusion in the hiring of women for campus president positions.

· Identify strategies to develop and foster cultural humility.

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