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· 3 pages in length. · The event must be from within the last four months. · Include at least three sources: at least one must be from an Library

· 3 pages in length.

· The event must be from within the last four months.

· Include at least three sources: at least one must be from an Library Database such as

NewsBankLinks to an external site.
and at least one must be from the textbook or other reputable source to explain the concept. Any other sources used can include news websites or public polling organizations.

· Include concepts from chapter 8 that are being demonstrated in your source. Examples include: agenda setting, framing, priming, yellow journalism, etc.

The papers should be formatted in MLA style.  This means that the paper margins are set at 1 inch on all sides.  The font type is either Times New Roman or Arial, 12-point size and it is double spaced.  When citing outside sources, you must have parenthetical references within the body of the paper and a Works Cited page at the end.

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