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1. Describe the health care problem or issue you selected for use in Assessment 2 and provide details about it. · As you describe the topic you

1. Describe the health care problem or issue you selected for use in Assessment 2 and provide details about it.

· As you describe the topic you explored in Assessment 2, use the first four steps of the 

Socratic Problem-Solving Approach
 to aid your critical thinking. This approach was introduced in Assessment 2.

· Identify possible causes for the problem or issue.

2. Use scholarly information to describe and explain the health care problem or issue and identify possible causes for it.

· Identify at least three scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles about the topic.

· You may find the 

How Do I Find Peer-Reviewed Articles?
 library guide helpful in locating appropriate references.

· You may use articles you found while working on Assessment 2 or you may search the Capella library for other articles.

· You may find the applicable Undergraduate Library Research Guide helpful in your search.

· Review the 

Think Critically About Source Quality
 to help you complete the following:

· Assess the credibility of the information sources.

· Assess the relevance of the information sources.

3. Analyze the health care problem or issue.

· Describe the setting or context for the problem or issue.

· Describe why the problem or issue is important to you.

· Identify groups of people affected by the problem or issue.

· Provide examples that support your analysis of the problem or issue.

4. Discuss potential solutions for the health care problem or issue.

· Describe what would be required to implement a solution.

· Describe potential consequences of ignoring the problem or issue.

· Provide the pros and cons for one of the solutions you are proposing.

5. Explain the ethical principles (Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Autonomy, and Justice) if potential solution was implemented.

· Describe what would be necessary to implement the proposed solution.

· Explain the ethical principles that need to be considered (Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Autonomy, and Justice) if the potential solution was implemented.

· Provide examples from the literature to support the points you are making.

Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:

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