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1. Describe what it means to be an ethical leader including principles listed in chapter 4 and an example of where you have seen a leader either

1. Describe what it means to be an ethical leader including principles listed in chapter 4 and an example of where you have seen a leader either uphold or break ethics (application). 

2. Have you ever been directed in your nursing practice to do something unsafe or that you were inadequately prepared to do?  What did you do and how would you handle the situation differently after reading chapter 5 (application)?

3. Discuss: What patient care delivery model would you say most closely fits your current work situation or a former work environment (analysis)?  Identify what worked well in the delivery system in terms of cost effectiveness and patient/staff satisfaction. (evaluation)

4. Describe Interview techniques that reduce subjectivity and increase reliability and validity during the interview process and how you can implement these into practice.

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