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1.      Military Policy Analysis and Resource Paper   Identify empirical research articles, books, videos, addressing military policies and issues

1.      Military Policy Analysis and Resource Paper  

Identify empirical research articles, books, videos, addressing military policies and issues concerning child welfare, domestic violence, mental health.  Provide a summarization of policies and resources.  Also, include a brief analysis of each policy and discuss how the policies impact social work practice and how resources may be used in training, education, and social work practice.  The paper should follow APA format and a minimum of 12 pages and 8 references

Rubric for Policy paper


Your name, date, and a catchy/clever title


Engaging, draws the reader in; includes the thesis; sets out the reasoning about why topic is a “problem” that needs fixed


Is well-organized; Includes thorough history of topic, thorough discussion of current policies and scholarly debates about the topic, clear articulation of feasible and defensible policy proposal

Development of Idea/Support for Ideas

Policy solution is obviously well-developed and based in an excellent understanding of government structure and power; policy solution is obviously supported by research; development of argument is logical and transitions enhance clarity


The conclusion is engaging and encourages reader to “think some more”

Mechanics/Usage/ APA style

Few if any errors in sentence structure, organization, spelling, capitalization, punctuation.  Persuasive language and sophisticated word/verb choice


Has all 8 sources; citation format follows APA Style correctly; all direct quotes are cited; bibliography present and in correct format


Present and in correct format

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