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1. Task: Your task is to analyze (Assessment) Manipulation Application Data, and comment on ways that the data could be manipulated and transformed. Write

1. Task: Your task is to analyze (Assessment) Manipulation Application Data, and comment on ways that the data could be manipulated and transformed. Write a written reflection on the above

b) i) What is the purpose of data manipulation?

ii) What are the different data manipulations?

iii) What are structure transformations


– State at least 5 ways the data could be manipulated and transformed and state a clear rationale for your choices (value, purpose, etc)

– State how you would perform the manipulations or transformations.

– Submit an excel file with some of the stated manipulations and transformations.

– Your reflection must be at least two pages,

2. Task: Complete the problems highlighted below and submit this paper along with any Excel solution files

Problems are based on textbook exercises. Refer to the Chapter and Problem Number below, then go to your textbook for a description of the problem. All necessary files are included in the Practice Files folders, organized by chapter.

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