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1) The paper will include the following sections: a. Clinical Question • Describe the problem. What is the focus of your group’s work? • Explain

1) The paper will include the following sections:
a. Clinical Question

• Describe the problem. What is the focus of your group’s work?
• Explain the significance of the problem in terms of patient outcomes. What

health outcomes result from your problem? Or what statistics document
this is a problem? You may find support on websites for government or
professional organizations.

• PICOT question: Does the use of massage therapy as an additional intervention
to traditional pain management methods increase pain alleviation and patient
satisfaction in hospitalized patients?

• State the purpose of your paper. What will your paper do or describe? This is
like a problem
statement. “The purpose of this paper is to . . .”

b. Levels of Evidence
• Identify the type of question being asked (therapy, prognosis, meaning, etc.).
• What is the best type of evidence to answer that question (e.g., RCT, cohort

study, qualitative study, etc.)?
c. Search Strategy

• Databases used. Link your search with the PICOT question described above.
• Refinement decisions. As you did your search, what decisions did you

make in refinement to get your required articles down to a reasonable
number for review? Were any limits used? If so, what?

• Identification of two (2) most relevant articles (primary sources published
within the last 5 years).

d. Format
• Correct grammar and spelling.
• Include a title page.
• Use of headings for each section.

§ Clinical Question, Levels of Evidence, Search Strategy, and Conclusion
• Adheres to current APA formatting and guidelines.
• 3-4 pages in length, excluding title and reference pages.

1. The eYectiveness of aromatherapy, massage and reflexology in people with

palliative care needs: A systematic review (National Institutes of Health)

2. A Quality Brief of an Oncological Multisite Massage and Acupuncture Therapy Program to
Improve Cancer-Related Outcomes (National institute of health)

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