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100 word response Due 6/5/2024 1 reference Bradley Penicillin is used to treat illnesses brought on by specific bacterial strains. Viral infections

100 word response

Due 6/5/2024

1 reference


Penicillin is used to treat illnesses brought on by specific bacterial strains. Viral infections (such as colds and the flu) are not treated by it. Penicillin is effective against a variety of bacterial infections; however, it is ineffective against bacteria that are resistant to it. Penicillin, a well-known antibiotic, is composed of 57.49% carbon, 5.39% hydrogen, 8.39% nitrogen, 9.58% sulfur, and oxygen in the remaining amounts. The four-membered beta-lactam ring, which is crucial to penicillin’s antibacterial activity, is its main structural component. Every penicillin compound has a different side chain, which influences the drug’s pharmacokinetic characteristics and range of activity. Penicillin selectively inhibits the transpeptidase, which catalyzes the cross-linking of peptidoglycan, the last stage in cell wall formation, hence killing vulnerable bacteria. Penicillin V and G may cause side symptoms such as urticaria, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, and stomach pain. Penicillin G may also cause various side effects, such as headaches, tachycardia, flushing, tachypnea, fever, chills, muscle discomfort, and hypotension.

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