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1 Assessment 02 – Protected Health Information For this assessment, you will prepare a two-page interprofessional staff update on HIPAA


Assessment 02 – Protected Health Information

For this assessment, you will prepare a two-page interprofessional staff update on HIPAA and
appropriate social media use in health care. Before you complete the detailed instructions in the
courseroom, first select one of the settings below that will become the focus of your
interprofessional staff update.

After you have selected one of the two settings below, return to the courseroom to review the
assessment instructions and grading rubric prior to completing your assessment.

• Outpatient Settings:
o Context: Outpatient settings, also known as ambulatory care settings, are

medical facilities where patients receive care without being admitted to the
hospital. This includes clinics, physician’s offices, and urgent care centers. Given
the high patient turnover and the diverse range of conditions treated, it’s crucial
for staff to maintain patient privacy. With the rise of telemedicine consultations,
there’s an increased risk of HIPAA violations, especially if conversations are
overheard or screens are visible to others.

o Social Media Concern: Sharing any patient information, photos, or even
seemingly harmless anecdotes from a day’s work can lead to unintentional
HIPAA violations.

• Pediatrics (Newborns – age 16):

o Context: Pediatric settings cater to the medical needs of children from birth to
age 16. Given the vulnerable nature of this population, there’s a heightened need
for privacy and discretion. Parents and guardians are deeply involved in the care
process, and any breach of information can be particularly distressing.

o Social Media Concern: Sharing photos of cute moments, milestones, or
celebrations without consent can be a major breach. Even if names are not
mentioned, identifiable features or context can lead to violations.

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