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1 Assessment 04 – Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care Create a 5-10 minute video of yourself, as a presenter, in which you will


Assessment 04 –

Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care

Create a 5-10 minute video of yourself, as a presenter, in which you will propose an evidence-
based plan to improve the outcomes the patient in the provided case study below, and examine
how remote collaboration provided benefits or challenges to designing and delivering the care.

Before you complete the instructions detailed in the courseroom, first review the case study


Gender dysphoria is a medical condition that occurs when there is a conflict between the sex
assigned at birth and the gender with which an individual identifies. To provide quality care to
patients with gender dysphoria who live in rural settings or have difficulty with transportation to a
care site, healthcare professionals must sometimes collaborate with other professionals in
different zip codes or time zones. This case study will observe how healthcare professionals
collaborate remotely and virtually to provide care for a patient with gender dysphoria.


The patient is a 25-year-old transgender male who lives in a rural area and has limited access
to healthcare services. He was diagnosed with gender dysphoria based on a behavioral health
evaluation conducted by his healthcare provider. The patient has expressed interest in receiving
hormonal and surgical treatment for gender dysphoria.


The patient’s healthcare provider, Dr. Smith, collaborated remotely with a team of experienced
experts, including mental health professionals, endocrinologists, nurses, and surgeons, to
provide evidence-based care for gender dysphoria.

• Dr. Smith: “Hello, everyone. Thank you for joining me today to discuss the care of our
patient with gender dysphoria. I have reviewed the patient’s medical records and
conducted a behavioral health evaluation. Based on my assessment, I believe that the
patient would benefit from hormonal and surgical treatment. However, I would like to
hear your thoughts and recommendations on the best course of action.”

• Mental Health Professional: “Thank you, Dr. Smith. I have reviewed the patient’s
psychiatric evaluation and agree that the patient would benefit from hormonal and
surgical treatment. However, I recommend that we conduct a more in-depth evaluation
to exclude other conditions that might mimic gender dysphoria.”


• Endocrinologist: “I agree with the mental health professional. We should conduct a
more in-depth evaluation to confirm the diagnosis of gender dysphoria and exclude other
conditions. Once we have confirmed the diagnosis, we can discuss the best hormonal
treatment options for the patient.”

• Nurse: “I concur with the mental health professional and endocrinologist. We should
conduct a more in-depth evaluation to confirm the diagnosis of gender dysphoria and
exclude other conditions. Once we have confirmed the diagnosis, we can discuss the
best surgical treatment options for the patient with our local surgeon.”

• Dr. Smith: “Thank you for your input. I will schedule a more in-depth evaluation to
confirm the diagnosis of gender dysphoria and exclude other conditions. Once we have
confirmed the diagnosis, we can discuss the best treatment options for the patient.”

Consider additional consultations that might be necessary as you develop your plan of care for
this patient.

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