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1 Leadership and Management E-Portfolio Template Student Name: Course Name: Instructions:


Leadership and Management E-Portfolio Template

Student Name:

Course Name:


To fulfill the requirements for this course, you must complete the CPE Record.   Refer to your Assessment Task Overview for specific deliverables.  You must include the required deliverables in this e-portfolio.  

Enter your written deliverables (e.g., reflections, etc.) into this template for each phase. Previously created word documents may also be inserted into this Word document by using the following instructions or may be submitted as separate documents for evaluation.

To insert a PDF document or previously created Word Documents, follow these instructions:

1. Click or tap where you want to insert the content of the existing document.

2. Go to
Insert and select the arrow next to

3. Select
Text from File.

4. Locate the file that you want and then double-click it.

5. To add in the contents of additional Word documents, repeat the above steps as needed.


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