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2 assignments –  1. Week 6: Strategic Approaches for Employee Relations -attached 2. Reflection – DirectionsThe right to unionize is a fundamental labor

2 assignments – 

1. Week 6: Strategic Approaches for Employee Relations -attached

2. Reflection – DirectionsThe right to unionize is a fundamental labor right, enabling workers to form unions for collective bargaining on working conditions. Union organizing involves strategic efforts to garner support, while representation elections determine union selection. Collective bargaining is the negotiation process between a union and an employer covering wages, hours, benefits, and employment terms. Contract negotiations finalize the collective bargaining agreement, governing the worker-employer relationship. In at least 150 words, please upload and submit your response to the following prompts: 

  • Discuss the significance of the right to unionize in the context of labor rights and how it empowers workers in their workplaces.
  • Discuss the key elements of a union organizing campaign, highlighting the strategic planning and communication efforts required for successful unionization within a workplace.
  • Explain the process of a union representation election, including the formal steps involved and how workers decide whether they want a specific union to represent them in negotiations with their employer.

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