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2 Research Topic Selection Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name Professor’s Name


Research Topic Selection

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Course Name

Professor’s Name

Due Date

I chose the effect of programs for co-parenting on the welfare of children in blended families as the topic to determine whether co-parenting programs are beneficial in improving the welfare of blended-family children. The topic also helps us to understand whether good co-parenting communication has an impact on the mental and emotional wellness of blended family children. (Wang et al., 2021) Positive communication between divorced parents in blended families may be able to lessen the possible negative effects on children’s adjustment and general well-being.


Wang, D., Choi, J. K., Shin, J., & Reddish, L. (2021). Longitudinal Effects of Co-Parenting for Successful Kids: Using Mixed-Effects Models. 
Journal of Child and Family Studies
30, 220-229.

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