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3-1 Discussion: Co-Sleeping and SIDS Child-rearing presents as a set of culturally bound practices that can complement or conflict with research

3-1 Discussion: Co-Sleeping and

Child-rearing presents as a set of culturally bound practices that can
complement or conflict with research and health promotional practices.
The practice of co-sleeping and the risk reduction practices for sudden
infant death syndrome (SIDS) have become conflictual in recent years.
In preparation for this discussion, review the website and article provided
in the Module Three Reading and Resources for information on each
side of this argument. You may locate resources on this topic on your

In your initial post for this discussion, formulate a research-supported
position on co-sleeping regarding risks versus benefits. Should
co-sleeping be discouraged? Are there specific developmental
advantages supported by research for co-sleeping? What are the
cultural considerations for co-sleeping practices? Are the risks for
co-sleeping (either social, emotional, or health-related) significantly
supported by research to take a position against co-sleeping? Consider
what you would advise as a professional in the promotion of optimal

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

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