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3-1 Discussion: Existential vs. Person-Centered Therapy  Review the case vignette “Glenda” located in Module Three Resources. Assume that you are Glenda’s

3-1 Discussion: Existential vs. Person-Centered Therapy 

Review the case vignette “Glenda” located in Module Three Resources.

Assume that you are Glenda’s counselor and design a therapy plan for her. Which approach would you select: existential therapy or person-centered therapy? What are some of the benefits and shortcomings of using this approach?

Please include in your answer some of the following “existential” terminology: relatedness, search for meaning, meaninglessness, loneness and isolation, engagement,  “bad faith,”  “givens of existence,” commitment, being in the world, existential anxiety, the will to meaning, restricted existence, the human condition, authenticity, self-awareness, existential guilt, existential vacuum, inauthentic existence, freedom and responsibility, I/Thou relationship, authorship, paradoxes of existence, courage to be, self-determination.

Also include some the following “person-centered” terminology: non directive counseling, accurate empathic understanding, openness to experience, clarification, self-trust, internal locus of evaluation, congruence and incongruence, growth-promoting climate, actualizing tendency, genuineness, unconditional positive regard, here-and-now experience.

Please be sure to ask questions and comment on your peers’ responses, especially on those who did not select the same approach as you did. Be sure to respond to their questions and comments regarding your own response.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

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