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3.4 Assignment: TED-Style Talk Reflection Journal: Positive Psychology Getting Started Throughout the psychology program, you

3.4 Assignment: TED-Style Talk Reflection Journal: Positive Psychology

Getting Started

Throughout the psychology program, you have been learning and writing about ideas for your TED-style talk, incorporating various aspects of what you learn in the different courses. You will continue in that vein in this workshop, reflecting on how positive psychology and what you have learned thus far in this course may impact your talk.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

· Integrate insights from the Hero’s Journey and positive psychology to reflect on learnings from the course thus far for your TED-style talk.


· None

Background Information

In previous courses, you were exposed to both the Hero’s Journey and the fact that you will eventually develop a TED-style talk to submit in the last course in this program. In this journal entry, you will continue thinking and writing about your TED-style talk by creating a narrative that incorporates some of what you learned about interviews and interventions as well as what you have learned about positive psychology thus far.

You will add this as a new journal entry to the TED-Style Talk Reflection Journal you began in PSY-520.

Also, remember that you have a call with your instructor in Workshop Six.


1. Open your TED-Style Talk Reflection Journal that you have saved in a Word document.

2. Title this new journal entry “PSY-545 3.4 Positive Psychology <
Day, Month Year>.”

3. As you write in your journal during this session, reflect on the following prompts/questions:

a. How do you view your Hero’s Journey at this time? What has changed? What would you like to change?

b. How has what you have learned about life coaching and positive psychology and I/O psychology helped you in thinking about what your TED-style talk might consist of? In what ways?

c. What else have you learned from this course thus far that has influenced your ideas for a TED-style talk? Be specific.

4. Your entry should be a minimum of 400 words.




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