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300 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 5/16/2024 Quintana HIPAA regulations require health

300 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 5/16/2024


HIPAA regulations require health care organizations to have an incident response plan and team that handles potential security incidents and breaches in order to protect and safeguard patient privacy and information and to properly respond to security incidents. The data and information that health care organizations store such as medical records contain a substantial amount of sensitive patient information that consist of personal information, names, addresses, social security numbers, health history, and more. If this information is exposed to unauthorized personnel during a data breach, the healthcare organization will face financial losses, reputational damage, and regulatory fines for failing to protect patient data. Having an effective incident response plan in place helps healthcare organization minimize the impact of security incidents, data breaches, and prevents further damage to the organization. An effective incident response plan includes preparation to identify potential security threats and assess the organization’s vulnerabilities, detection and analysis to develop processes for detecting and analyzing security incidents such as implementing security controls to monitor network activity and identify potential threats, containment, eradication, and recovery to contain the security incident, eradicate the threat, and recover lost or damaged data, and post-incident activities to identify areas for improvement (Sahoo, 2023). Having an incident response plan allows health care organizations to quickly identify and report security incidents and it allows the organization to determine the root cause of a data breach or vulnerability. An incident response plan determines the proper procedures that must be followed in order to mitigate the breach’s impact and prevent potential future attacks from occurring.

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