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6.1 Discussion. Inside Out Getting Started You are on the side of a mountain listening intently to a man named Jesus. You hear the

6.1 Discussion. Inside Out

Getting Started

You are on the side of a mountain listening intently to a man named Jesus. You hear the grumblings of the people all around you. You are fearful of an uprising. There are so many, many people here! Who is this man? What is He saying? What is He teaching? He seems like He has a good disposition—wise, kind, gentle and yet strong. Why are His words and teachings angering so many?

He is confusing. He is contrary. He does not “fit” into our mold or our way of life. He is different, perhaps too different. We have already heard Him speak about being poor. We have already heard Him say that those who mourn are blessed. What sense does that make? What is it that He is saying now?

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”

You are baffled. You are stunned. You are confused and, in this confusion, frustration begins to well up inside you. An unsettled feeling washes over you as you listen to others mutter to themselves. Yes, this man called Jesus is trying to turn our lives inside out.

Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:

· Describe what it means to live inside out.


· Bible

Background Information

If the Sermon on the Mount is about the Kingdom of Heaven—and our place in it—then where is it? How do we get there and what will it be like when we arrive? We seldom have the opportunity to sit quietly and look within. We seldom encounter the sound of silence. Perhaps we have never heard our own hearts beating, or our own breathing.

Set aside 15 minutes to practice this devotion: Sitting in Silence. Oh, it will be easy enough to say that this is impossible. There are too many things to get done, too many children to care for, too many dishes and loads of laundry to wash. Yet this is your assignment: Sit. Quietly. Silently. Listen. Listen for the Sounds of the Kingdom within. Let those sounds speak to you, and speak loudly. Let those sounds usher you into a new world, a world full of peace and strength, a world that is solid and sure, where faith becomes sight and our hearts ponder the goodness of the Lord.

Then, write about what it means to live “inside out.”


1. Read the devotional on this page, “Inside Out.”

2. Navigate to the discussion topic and respond to the following discussion questions:

a. Describe what it means to live “inside out.”

3. Your postings should also:

a. Be well developed by providing clear answers with evidence of critical thinking.

b. Add greater depth to the discussion by introducing new ideas.

c. Provide clarification to classmates’ questions and provide insight into the discussion.




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