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6-1 Discussion: Social Problems For this discussion, identify a real-world social issue and discuss how biological or genetic factors may influence

6-1 Discussion: Social Problems

For this discussion, identify a real-world social issue and discuss how
biological or genetic factors may influence the issue. Examples of social
problems include bullying, criminology, obesity, and alcoholism. Select a
social issue for this post and discuss some of the biological or genetic
factors that can negatively influence this issue.

Consider the following in your initial post:

● What does the biological approach reveal about the issue?
● Is there one biological or genetic factor that appears to have more

influence than other factors that negatively impact the social issue?
● Could there be several biological or genetic factors that negatively

impact the issue?

Be sure to find and cite supporting evidence for your viewpoint.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

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