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8/3/2022 By TUY Pheap, OPM Course for MBA, B23, G11 1 Assignment lecture #3 1. Construct an AON network based on the following: ACTIVITY IMMEDIATE

8/3/2022 By TUY Pheap, OPM Course for MBA, B23, G11 1

Assignment lecture #3
1. Construct an AON network based on the following:

A –
B –
C –
D A, B

2. Insert a dummy activity and event to correct the following AOA network:

8/3/2022 By TUY Pheap, OPM Course for MBA, B23, G11 2

Assignment (cont’d)
3. The City Commission of Nashville has decided to build a botanical garden and picnic area in

the heart of the city for the recreation of its citizens. The precedence table for all the
activities required to construct this area successfully is given.



A Planning Find location; determine resource requirements 20 None
B Purchasing Requisition of lumber and sand 60 Planning
C Excavation Dig and grade 100 Planning
D Sawing Saw lumber into appropriate sizes 30 Purchasing
E Placement Position lumber in correct locations 20 Sawing, excavation
F Assembly Nail lumber together 10 Placement
G Infill Put sand in and under the equipment 20 Assembly
H Out-fill Put dirt around the equipment 10 Assembly
I Decoration Put grass all over the garden, landscape, paint 30 Infill, out-fill

a) Draw the Gantt chart for the whole construction activity.
b) Draw the AON network for the construction activity.
c) Draw the AOA network for the construction activity.

8/3/2022 By TUY Pheap, OPM Course for MBA, B23, G11 3

Assignment (cont’d)
4. The planning department of an electronics firm has set up the activities for developing and production of a

new MP3 Player. Given the information below, develop a project network using Microsoft Project. Assume a
five-day workweek and the project starts on January 4, 2020.

Activity ID Description Activity Predecessor Activity Time (weeks)

1 Staff None 2
2 Develop market program 1 3
3 Select channels of distribution 1 8
4 Patent 1 12
5 Pilot production 1 4
6 Test market 5 4
7 Ad promotion 2 4
8 Set up for production 4, 6 16

The project team has requested that you create a network for the project, and determine if the project can
be completed in 45 weeks.

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