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DIRECTIONS IN PDF For this assignment you have the opportunity to research an agency that serves children, youth, and/or families and conduct a


For this assignment you have the opportunity to research an agency that serves
children, youth, and/or families and conduct a brief analysis.

Please note you are asked to identify a specific organization or agency serving children,
youth, and/or families. This does not mean a type of resource, but rather a broader
organizational service provider.

The first part of your analysis will consist of framing a descriptive introduction to the
agency and should include information responding to all of the questions below.

The second part of your analysis should include a deeper analysis of what you have
come to learn about this agency. Use your own words, as though you were telling a
colleague about what you have learned.

Consider, from your research, what have you come to understand about this agency?

How is this agency an important resource for children and/or families?

How likely are you to want to volunteer, or work for this agency someday? What stood
out to you about the agency?

What do you appreciate about this agency and what stands out to you as potential
opportunities for change?

To the extent possible, try anchoring your observations to readings, theories, and
discussions from the course. In concluding your project summarize the main points of
your analysis and what you are taking away from the learning experience. This is an

You are asked to complete this project as either a written paper with full sentences, and
appropriate grammar.

Please be sure to include the following:

● Name of Agency:
● Website:
● Location (list all, if more than one):
● Mission or Values Statement:
● Target Population for their services (Who do they work with?):
● 3 Services offered (What do they do? Must include at least three distinct

● Private or public agency?
● How are they funded?
● Opportunities to Volunteer?
● Paragraph describing what you learned about this agency.

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