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Question your current healthcare issue: the rising cost of healthcare. As a transformational leader, what are a few strategies that


your current healthcare issue: the rising cost of healthcare. As a transformational leader, what are a few strategies that could be used to address these issues?

Need 100 words

And two refrences

Healthcare costs have been one of society’s biggest national healthcare issues. This issue relates to patients, providers, and institutions in ways that have a combination of financial implications and operational considerations (Bangani et al., 2021). There is evidence that the sources of healthcare costs include technology costs, medication costs, the price of administration, and the population’s age. Solving this problem requires long-term measures that include policy shifts, the manipulation of funding, and organizational effectiveness.

                By observing the patient care services in my work setting I realized how the increased cost of healthcare affects the overall functioning. Higher costs affect the availability of funds, impact staffing of employees, availability of equipment and medical supplies, and funding for modern technologies (Broome & Marshall, 2021). Patients also suffer because, with higher costs, they have to pay a lot more for their insurance and other forms of payment, such as out-of-pocket expenses, and sometimes, due to financial constraints, they may not seek medical care when needed.

                Healthcare is one of the key social aspects at the core of this problem. This is particularly true in current society where many people, particularly those from small income earning backgrounds, find it very hard to access these healthcare services. This jurisdiction perpetuates health inequalities and contributes to increasing the health burden on care facilities. It is also important to point out additional spheres, such as education, which is critical in shaping strategic direction, and the environment, which poses significant threats to successful strategic implementation (Bangani et al., 2021). For example, those who are less educated may not have adequate knowledge on how to manage health and prevent diseases and hence become hospitalize more often using a lot of money.

                There are several interventions that my healthcare system has adopted over the years to counter the pressure to increase costs. Among the many changes noted in healthcare is the shift towards value-based care. These models pay more attention to the quantity of services delivered than the quality of the outcome in treatment and care by seeking to increase efficiency and, at the same time, availability and access to services. By adopting features of a community-centered hospital, such as focusing on preventative care and disease management, especially chronic illnesses, the hospital aims at reducing instances of those patients being admitted unnecessarily or rushing to the emergency department, which is usually costlier than primary or preventive care.

                Another change witnessed is the incorporation of Information Technology in managing operations and improving efficiency. In a way, EHR has been adopted to address concerns about increasing administrative work and advance coordination in healthcare facilitation (Bangani et al., 2021). Telecare solutions have also been ramped up primarily, and the patients have access to their healthcare providers much more conveniently and less expensively. It helps curtail overhead expenses and enhances patient satisfaction.

                Quality also receives attention through the hospital’s investment in workforce development, as hiring a sufficient number of well-trained employees is crucial in delivering the best quality of care. These formal courses guarantee that healthcare providers receive the current knowledge and techniques in healthcare facilities, making them work effectively in healthcare delivery systems. Also, attempts have been made to ensure the health of healthcare workers since burnout is known to hurt both the efficiency and the quality of services delivered to patients (Bangani et al., 2021).

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