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Each case study will be due at the end of the week in which that case study is being assigned. There is a misconception that there are no “right” a

Each case study will be due at the end of the week in which that case study is being assigned. There is a misconception that there are no “right” answers in case analysis. This is clearly not the case. There is a correct answer. It’s up to you to find it.

For a successful case write up, you will need the following:

Case papers should address the key issues that pertain to the financial strategy and then make clear recommendations with as much support as possible.

Papers should be no more than four double-spaced pages (not including exhibits) and include a cover page with your name, the date, the course number, and the title of the assignment (case name).

Papers should be organized into specific sections. For example, Background, Key Issues, Recommendations with support. Keep the Introduction short and don’t be so quick to jump to the recommendation. If the issues are wrong, the recommendation can’t be correct.

Your grade will depend on how well you identify the issues and argue your recommendation.

All Footnotes and References Must use the APA Format.

The answer is not on the internet. You may use the internet for additional background and information, but I don’t care what the company actually did. All that really matters is in the case.

Remember that you only have four double-spaced pages for text. If you wish to use charts or financial analysis to support your recommendation, use an exhibit. Don’t waste space and put it in the text.

3 pages

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