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Description dis 1 In the process of journal selection, how do you ensure alignment with ethical standards and policies? Discuss the importance of


dis 1

In the process of journal selection, how do you ensure alignment with ethical standards and policies? Discuss the importance of maintaining ethical integrity in research publication and its implications for the academic community.

What criteria do you consider most important when selecting a journal for publication in your area of research?

dis 2

For this discussion, study the Saudi Patient Safety Center and then address the following in your post:

Provide a brief background on the factors that influenced Saudi Arabia to form the Saudi Patient Safety Center. How does the formation and the vision of the Saudi Patient Safety Center compare to the development of a patient safety culture around the world?

Select one initiative of the Saudi Patient Safety Center and describe how it supports the aims of Saudi Vision 2030.

Locate one scholarly article that demonstrates progress toward patient safety culture within Saudi Arabia. Summarize the article and explain how the findings can be applied to your area of interest in healthcare.

dis 3

Financial Condition Analysis (10 points)

From all the knowledge needed to effectively manage a healthcare organization, one of the most important areas is understanding the business’s current financial condition.

Financial analysis can be defined as the process of assessing the financial condition of a firm. It can be very useful in understanding the financial position of a company. There are a number of different ratios that can be used for this purpose, but each has it benefits and limitations.

Address the following:

Select two financial ratios you think are valuable when trying to understand the financial condition of a healthcare organization.

Explain why you have selected them, explaining both the benefits

Discuss the potential limitations of the selected ratios.

Then select a healthcare company and use those ratios on that organization. What do these ratios tell you about how that organization?

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