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Directions: For this assignment, you will need to put together a slide presentation with audio narrations about your project. Be sure

Directions: For this assignment, you will need to put together a slide presentation with audio narrations about your project. Be sure the format you use supports an audio function (i.e., PowerPoint). This should be presented similar to a research project. Therefore, your presentation should mirror the format of the final written report. You should include an introduction section, where you introduce the problem behavior, why it is a problem and what the end goal of your project was. Then you should introduce your methods. How did you try and change this behavior? Then have a results section with data. This means you should include at least one graph/chart/table to display your results. This figure should present a summary of your data. Do not include your raw data. For example, you might want to graph the percentage of successes you had across weeks. Then you should have a conclusion section where you share your success and the challenges that you encountered. Remember, slides are visual aids to your narrations. Therefore, slides should have lots of pictures and graphics and relatively few words.
Do not write what you are planning to say on your slides. This makes for a dull presentation.


· Narration should be approximately 10 minutes

· Please
access this document

Links to an external site.

· for support on recording a presentation with narration

· This will typically be 10 to 15 slides

· Don’t forget to include citations if you reference other’s work.

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