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Proposal writing is hard work, so I will make this week’s discussion super easy. I want you to watch Part 1 and Part 2 of my proposal lectures and

Proposal writing is hard work, so I will make this week’s discussion super easy. I want you to watch Part 1 and Part 2 of my proposal lectures and tell me how to improve them. Please be specific; I must be able to tell that you watched the video. (FYI, I can tell if you do, so please do!) I have provided a bulleted list below. Answer the questions as best as possible, and please add anything else to help me make a better video.

· what parts confused you? (you can mark the time on the video if that helps you point out a specific spot)

· what did I over-explain? what should I cut out?

· what did I underexplain? what should I add?

· what slides or information helped you?

· what slides or information was unnecessary?

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