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  Acco rding to Gordon Allport, prejudice often involves the prejudgment of individuals because of their real or perceived group memberships. Based on


Acco rding to Gordon Allport, prejudice often involves the prejudgment of individuals because of their real or perceived group memberships.

Based on your understanding of this theory, reply to the following:

  • Discuss in detail the proposition given by Allport about prejudice that identification with all humankind can significantly reduce negative prejudice.

Also, Gordon Allport and Raymond Cattell differ in their approaches to researching personality, with Allport using the idiographic approach and Cattell using the nomothetic approach.

  • What are the main differences between the two approaches? Discuss at least two pros and two cons of each approach.
  • Does research gain from using the Big Five factor theory instead of using either Cattell’s model or Eysenck’s model? Discuss.
  • Does the Big Five factor theory limit research? Explain.

Hans Eysenck argued that personality is largely biologically determined, or is hereditary.

  • Discuss this proposition.
  • Provide evidences that support and negate this proposition?

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