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ALBERTO’S DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Please answer the separately. 1. Explain the importance of the main characteristics of the Organizational

ALBERTO’S DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Please answer the separately.

1. Explain the importance of the main characteristics of the Organizational Development (OD) approach to change. Describe the role of an OD change practitioner within an organization. Within an organization, whom do you feel would be the most appropriate choice to be the change practitioner and why?

2. Review your Topic 4 assigned textbook readings. Based on your reply to DQ 1 in this topic regarding who you feel would be the best choice to serve as a change practitioner within an organization, use the textbook to describe specific characteristics and/or skills this person should possess to be successful in implementing change. How might these characteristics/skills influence others within the organization to support proposed change? Provide an example to support your choice(s).

YENROSE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Please answer questions 1 and two separately.

1. Evaluate the positive and negative effects of Affirmative Action in the United States. Target current issues, trends, and demographics.

2. Provide examples of race and ethnicity. Explain the differences. Provide examples of sex and gender and explain the differences.

Provide an example of how the concept of equality affects popular aspects of U.S. culture: (i.e. sports, competition, independence, diversity, “Think BIG”, etc.)

Lastly, do you see equality happening in our society? Why or why not? Describe your personal observations of inequality.

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