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All instruction in document below  From the advertisements attached below. Explain what techniques the advertiser used to persuade the audience and

All instruction in document below 

From the advertisements attached below.

Explain what techniques the advertiser used to persuade the audience and determine if those techniques were effective or not. You may want to consider the following:

1. What is being sold? Was it easy to figure out?

2. What is the general mood of the commercial and how was it established? Think about elements such as lighting, music, color, the speed of the frames, etc.

3. What visual images were used to sell the product? Did they enhance or detract from your appreciation of the product? Did the advertisement utilize any rhetorical appeals pathos, logos, ethos)? Any literary devices such as metaphor, alliteration, symbolism, etc?

4. Who is this advertisement most likely to appeal to? How do you know this?

5. Were there actors, voice-overs, or text used to present the message? Would something other than what was used have been more effective?

6. How would you rate the overall success of the advertisement to sell its product? Could they have done something different to enhance its persuasiveness? After viewing the ad, would you want to buy the product?


Chevy commercial- Maddie

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