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All instructions are in document below Watch the video and quote from the video as you discuss. Make sure that your response answers all of these

All instructions are in document below

Watch the video and quote from the video as you discuss. Make sure that your response answers all of these questions.

Questions for discussion:

1. Simon says this generation lacks self-esteem, lacks coping mechanisms for stress and demands instant gratification. Do you agree with this or disagree?

2. Simon argues that this generation lacks the ability to form meaningful relationships or feel satisfied at work. Do you agree or disagree?

3. Simon indicates that many people in this generation will not find joy because they are distracted, stressed, and demand instant gratification. He also says that they struggle to form relationships and have a huge lack of patience. Do you agree?

4. Sinek argues that this generation lacks social skills, and that corporations have to absorb the failures that have come upon this generation. He suggests things like, keeping cell phones out of board rooms, building opportunities for employees to talk to one another.

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