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All instructions posted below  Discussion posts must be between 300-500 words and appropriately and completely address the prompt using

All instructions posted below 

Discussion posts must be between
300-500 words and appropriately and completely address the prompt using 1 or more academic sources to support your position.

The majority of psychologists agree that development is the result of the interaction between genes and environment. However there is still debate on the relative importance of Nature (genes) versus Nurture (environment).

Select a developmental process or
outcome (i.e. physical maturation, language acquisition, intelligence, aggression, developmental disorder, etc) and argue that either Nature or Nurture is the predominant determinant of that process or outcome.

You must include one (1) APA-style reference to the text, scientific article, or other scholarly source in your response.

This can include reference to the textbook or articles presented in this module.


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