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American literature in social work This is not in an essay form. Input information as indicated. Part

American literature in social work

This is not in an essay form. Input information as indicated.

Part 1 – 1 ½ pages

Client/Project Assignments Completed:  I have addressed the effectiveness of the mock handout done in week 7, and included more culture relevant language based on the feedback from the multidisciplinary team.

Learning Goals Addressed: 
2 sentences.

Reflect on Major Goals and Outcome of Supervision:  
3 sentences.

Feelings/Reaction: 2 sentences

Reflect on how practice seminar discussions and materials have been integrated into practice experience: 4 sentences  

Identify skills/ theory used: just list the theories,  (eg. Empathy etc.)

List the social work value/ethical dilemmas or any questions raised
2 sentences

How did you employ self-awareness, self-care, and professionalism:  
2 sentences

Competencies used: 1

Reflect on your learning and practicum experience:  
4 sentences

A summary of the learners’ impressions: 
3 sentences

Future Plans: 
2 sentences

Identifications of questions to present to practice supervision: 1 sentence

Students’ comments: 3 sentences


Part 2 – 1 ½ pages

Client/Project Assignments Completed:  I have demonstrated adeptness in utilizing best practices as it relates to case management and intervention practices. Continued training will be needed as social work practice emerges based on participants needs..

Learning Goals Addressed: 
2 sentences.

Reflect on Major Goals and Outcome of Supervision:  
3 sentences.

Feelings/Reaction: 2 sentences

Reflect on how practice seminar discussions and materials have been integrated into practice experience: 4 sentences  

Identify skills/ theory used: just list the theories,  (eg. Empathy etc.)

List the social work value/ethical dilemmas or any questions raised
2 sentences

How did you employ self-awareness, self-care, and professionalism:  
2 sentences

Competencies used: 1

Reflect on your learning and practicum experience:  
4 sentences

A summary of the learners’ impressions: 
3 sentences

Future Plans: 
2 sentences

Identifications of questions to present to practice supervision: 1 sentence

Students’ comments: 3 sentences


 Part 3 – 1 page

Client/Project Assignments Completed:  I have completed the termination process with participants on my caseload. I have also completed the exit interview for the end of practicum at the site.

Learning Goals Addressed: 
2 sentences.

Reflect on Major Goals and Outcome of Supervision:  
3 sentences.

Feelings/Reaction: 2 sentences

Reflect on how practice seminar discussions and materials have been integrated into practice experience: 4 sentences  

Identify skills/ theory used: just list the theories,  (eg. Empathy etc.)

List the social work value/ethical dilemmas or any questions raised
2 sentences

How did you employ self-awareness, self-care, and professionalism:  
2 sentences

Competencies used: 1

Reflect on your learning and practicum experience:  
4 sentences

A summary of the learners’ impressions: 
3 sentences

Future Plans: 
2 sentences

Identifications of questions to present to practice supervision: 1 sentence

Students’ comments: 3 sentences


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