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An argumentative essay and I have to argue about if social media is valuable Directions says 5 paragraphs with 6 to 7 sentences. MLA FORMAT, Time New Roman

An argumentative essay and I have to argue about if social media is valuable

Directions says 5 paragraphs with 6 to 7 sentences. MLA FORMAT, Time New Roman font size 12. Do not use You and Your;


Bharucha, Jehangir. “Social media and young consumers’ behavior.” International Journal of Supply Chain Management 7.6 (2018): 72-81.

Craig, David, and Stuart Cunningham. Social media entertainment: The new intersection of Hollywood and Silicon Valley. NYU Press, 2019:1.

Jaradat, M. I. R. M., and Anas Jebreen Atyeh. “Do personality traits play a role in social media addiction? Key considerations for successful optimized model to avoid social networking sites addiction: A developing country perspective.” International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 17.8 (2017): 120-131.

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