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Anatomy & Physiology please find the attached document for instruction.Performing the paper Towel Experiment Hypothesis more expensive brands of paper

Anatomy & Physiology please find the attached document for instruction.Performing the paper Towel Experiment Hypothesis more expensive brands of paper towel are more absorbent Items that we need for the Paper Towel Experiment are follows: 1. Two brands of paper towel or paper towel and a napkin 2. Teaspoon 3. Tablespoon 4. Scale 5.Dropper I made a graph table with the names of each one of the paper towel brands and a napkin. I labeled each group of paper brand and a napkin to keep it in order of testing on my working surface. I worked on each brand of paper towel one at a time and a napkin, making sure all sheets of paper towel and a napkin had the same dimensions, and made adjustments to make all the paper towel sheets and a napkin has the same measurement using a teaspoon and tablespoon. I test the liquid density and prepare several simples of paper towel and made sure they are the same brand and type of paper towel then, I use a dropper to add the liquid and made sure the paper towel stopped absorbing it. At this point, I used a scale to measure the liquid I used with the paper towel; then I repeat the experiment using the same liquid on several paper towel pieces and a napkin as well as other liquids of different densities on the same paper towel piece and napkin. From that information, I determine the absorbency of a paper towel and napkin vs the density of the liquid being absorbed. There are many different variations to test every one of the variables I cited. The key is to keep all variables but one constant and only change that one variable. Otherwise, you won’t know what caused the difference in data. 

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