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ANSER EACH QUESTION WITH AT LEAST 250 WORDS, 2 CITATIONS AND 2 REFRENCES 1.There are a variety of organizational types each with merit in certain


1.There are a variety of organizational types each with merit in certain situations. In what instances, if any, are mechanistic structures preferable to organic structures? Explain. Are both hierarchical and adaptive structures effective organization structures for particular situations? Why or why not? How does a leader determine the best organizational structure? Explain.

2.Go to the Forums tab in the DC network and explore the list of active forums. Select one of the forums that you believe may be of value to you given your dissertation field of interest. Identify the forum topic you selected, and summarize the contents of the existing forum posts for that topic. Why do you believe this forum may be helpful to you? How might interaction in the DC forums be a meaningful activity during your dissertation process? Explain.

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