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Article Assignment Two PART A Top of Form Bottom of Form Article Assignments Content 1. Top of Form Introduction

Article Assignment Two


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Article Assignments Content


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This article assignment is about the importance of child Safety and Protections.

The Assignment

Summarize the article by answering the three questions listed below. Each question should be discussed with a minimum of 5 sentences. Make sure you read the statement onPlagiarism. Also, do not copy and paste the article – that is plagiarism.   

1.What is the main focus of the article? Why is it important to understand child safety and strategies to prevent injuries?

2.What are three strategies or important information discussed in the article?

3.How will you implement the strategies/ideas (from your second paragraph) when working with children and families? How will you incorporate them into your classroom/center/environment?

Article link: See the pdf in resources below or you can search The Importance of Child Care Safety Protections,

Grading Criteria

Acceptable Length- should have an answer for each question with a minimum of 5 sentences. Summary must be reflective of course material and show comprehension of the article content. 

20 points – Three paragraphs are included, each paragraph has a minimum of five sentences

20 points – First paragraph summarizes the main focus of the article

30 points – Second paragraph summarizes three strategies from the article

30 points – Third paragraph gives specific strategies/ideas you will use when working with young children.

Points are deducted for errors with grammar and spelling. Grading will also reflect use of basic English skills such as the use of complete sentences when writing.

Resources INCLUDED


Family Engagement Resources

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Assignment Content


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Students will have the opportunity to analyze family engagement activities designed by the North Carolina Head Start State Collaboration Office to build the capacities of early childhood educators in a range of settings (including private child care, local education agencies, religious-sponsored child care and military child care) to work with the families they serve to support their children’s development. 

The Assignment

Read the information provided in the NC Department of Health and Human Services Family Engagement resource. From the resource, choose three strategies teachers are using to connect and improve family engagement. Please use the provided format to explain how you will implement your selected strategies and include a specific example of each.

 North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services: Family Engagement Partners: 

Format Layout for selected strategies:

Strategy One: (Place your selected strategy here) (10 points)

Explanation of family engagement strategy : (Here you will describe how you will implement the strategy in your classroom or with parents) ( 5-7 sentences worth 10 points)

Specific example of the family engagement strategy: (for example if you choose making home visits as a strategy what are some specific questions you might ask on your visit , if you want to provide pictures of specific materials that you will use for your specific example that is acceptable . Make sure to explain what you will do with the materials) ( 5 sentences worth 10 points) 

**the same format should be used for strategies two and three

Part C


Review the article : 5 Things Teachers Should Know About Parents: 

 Share the 5 key takeaways with a colleague or family member. Have them select the one takeaway they think is most significant. They can only select one. In a summary of 3-5 sentences share their response with me. If you would like to turn in a voice recording or a video rather than a written summary this is acceptable. ( This is worth ten points)

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