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Article Critique This assignment requires you to READ the assigned article and write an article critique. In this critique you will share the key

Article Critique

This assignment requires you to READ the assigned article and write an article critique. In this critique you will share the key points of the article so your reader can get a clear picture of what the article is about. You will also identify and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the article. Before you start writing, you will need to take some steps to prepare for writing your critique:

Read the article to get an understanding of the main idea.

· Take notes on the important issues and focus points from the author.

USE THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH HEADINGS to organize your critique into four main parts:

Introduction: Include an introductory paragraph that includes:

a. The title of the article and author’s name

b. The author’s main point

c. A thesis statement that previews your analysis or ideas about the article

Summary of the Article Contents: After your introduction you will

a. Discuss the main points of the article.

b. Discuss the arguments presented in the article

c. Identify the conclusions or findings in the article.

Critique: After summarizing the article, critique the article by
a. Identifying the strengths and weakness of the article

b. Stating your informed opinions about the clarity, relevancy, and accuracy of the article

c. USE SPECIFIC examples from the article to support your statements.

Conclusion: Summarize the key points in the article and the main points from your own analysis. Close your critique with comments on the significance of the Dimensions of Wellness (presented in the course) and the student health issues you observe in the world today.

Your critique should be 2-3 pages long, double-spaced, in 12pt font Times New Roman and submitted in
WORD FORMAT through SafeAssign ONLY. Any papers with over a 20% SafeAssign OR AI DETECTION score
WILL NOT receive points for this assignment.

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