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Assessment · Gómez, T. S., Sheppard, V. B., Graves, K. D., Song, M., Anderson, L., Ostrove, N., Lopez, K., Campos, C.,


· Gómez, T. S., Sheppard, V. B., Graves, K. D., Song, M., Anderson, L., Ostrove, N., Lopez, K., Campos, C., Gonzalez, N., & Hurtado, de‐Mendoza, A. (2020). 

Latinas’ knowledge of and experiences with genetic cancer risk assessment: Barriers and facilitators.
Journal of Genetic Counseling, 29(4), 505–517.

· Rice, D. (2019). 

Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 23(6), 668–671.

· US Preventive Services Task Force. (2019). 

Risk assessment, genetic counseling, and genetic testing for BRCA-related cancer: US preventive services task force recommendation statement

JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 322(7), 652–665.


· Plavskin, A. (2019). 

Fighting antimicrobial resistance with genetics and genomics.
MedSurg Nursing, 28(5), 297–302.


· Allen, D. (2021). 

Cancer nursing and genomics: Genetic information is making personalised medicine possible – and nurses need to understand what it means for patients.
Cancer Nursing Practice, 20(2), 17–19.

· Bradley, T., Bartlem, K., Colyvas, K., Wye, P., Campbell, E., Reid, K., & Bowman, J. (2021). 

Examining service participation and outcomes from a population-level telephone-coaching service supporting changes to healthy eating, physical activity and weight: A comparison of participants with and without a mental health condition

Preventive Medicine Reports, 24, 101609.

· Le, A. B., & Rosen, J. D. (2021). 

It is time to implement primary prevention in the workplace to ameliorate the ongoing U.S. opioid epidemic

New Solutions, 31(3), 210–218.

· Lin, Y., & Wessel, J. (2019). 

The continuing evolution of precision health in type 2 diabetes: Achievements and challenges.
Current Diabetes Reports, 19(4), 1–10.

· Steck, M. B. (2018). 

Decision Making: Approaches and tools to respond to ethical issues in genetic and genomic nursing.
Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 22(4), 386–389.

Population and Public Health

· Buckley, C., Field, M., Vu, T. M., Brennan, A., Greenfield, T. K., Meier, P. S., Nielsen, A., Probst, C., Shuper, P. A., & Purshouse, R. C. (2022). 

An integrated dual process simulation model of alcohol use behaviours in individuals, with application to US population-level consumption, 1984–2012

Addictive Behaviors, 124, 107094–107094.

· Fierloos, I., Tan, S. S., Williams, G., Alhambra-Borrás, T., Koppelaar, E., Bilajac, L., Verma, A., Markaki, A., Mattace Raso, F., Vasiljev, V., Franse, C., & Raat, H. (2022). 

Socio-demographic characteristics associated with emotional and social loneliness among older adults

BMC Geriatrics, 21(1). 10.1186/s12877-021-02058-4.

· Pereira, M. A., & Marques, R. C. (2022). 

The ‘sustainable public health index’: What if public health and sustainable development are compatible?
World Development, 149, 105708.

Position Papers

The following are examples of position papers:

· Bulfin, S., Grobbel, C., & Fuller, W. (2019). 

Anne Boykin institute for the advancement of caring in nursing use of robots to complement caring relationships in nursing position paper

International Journal for Human Caring, 23(4), 334–337.

· Mahmoud, K. F., Griffith, K. J., Hayden, A., Fogger, S. A., Kameg, B. N., & Mitchell, A. M. (2020). 

Women of childbearing age and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder prevention: A position paper.
Journal of Addictions Nursing, 31(4), 302–306.

· Padula, W. V., Cuddigan, J., Ruotsi, L., Black, J. M., Brienza, D., Capasso, V., Cox, J., Delmore, B., Holden-Mount, S., Munoz, N., Nie, A. M., Pittman, J., Sonenblum, S., & Tescher, A. (2021). 

Best-practices for preventing skin injury beneath personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic: A position paper from the national pressure injury advisory panel

Journal of Clinical Nursing.

· Wiss, D. A. (2019). 

A biopsychosocial overview of the opioid crisis: Considering nutrition and gastrointestinal health.
Frontiers in Public Health, 7, 193–193.

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