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Assignment 3 – Development of a Diversity Training Program (35 points) PART II Assignment 3 is a continuation from Assignment

Assignment 3 – Development of a Diversity Training Program (35 points) PART II

Assignment 3 is a continuation from Assignment 2. Based on the results of your SWOT analysis, a comprehensive Diversity Training Program will be the final product of Assignment 3. You are to either (a) 
Enhance a current diversity training program or (b) 
Develop a diversity training program. If your organization has a diversity training program then you are to provide information to “enhance” the current program (based on the Weaknesses or Threats from the SWOT). If your organization does not have a diversity training program, then you are to create a diversity program. This assignment must be based on current, scholarly literature. As indicated in the Diversity and Leadership (2015, p. 240) “Training is effectively and appropriately used to create awareness and help people develop knowledge and skills, which could result in behavior change”. This is your ultimate goal: to create a diversity training program for the organization to create awareness of the various areas associated with diversity.


This assignment should include the following areas:

· Complete background on the organization;

· Literature review on diversity/diversity training programs;

· The Diversity Training Program;

· Recommendations/Conclusion


This paper should have a minimum of 10-12 current scholarly references and should be 15-18 pages in length (not including cover page, Table of Contents, or Reference Page).

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