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Assignment Content 1. Top of Form Competency Design software and hardware technology solutions to best meet business needs.

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Design software and hardware technology solutions to best meet business needs.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the
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You are involved in a project that is moving executives away from laptops and tablets to larger form-factored smartphones. This alleviates the lugging of electronics while keeping the same functionality they now enjoy.

You have been tasked with creating an assessment report for management on what type of phone your team recommends for management (Android or Apple). For the purposes of this project, we should assert a few assumptions here first:

1. The executives are using Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Excel, both on MAC and PC platforms.

2. The executives will have an Android or Apple phone distributed to them. There will be 75 employees that receive a phone.

3. The executives will use Android or Apple versions of these products, even though the feature set is reduced, but for the most part, editing and emailing is the bulk of the work they do anyway.

4. You do not have to be device specific here, a generic Android or Apple phone will be assumed.


You have been tasked to create a 2-3 page assessment report, with 
professional language, and use proper spelling/grammar, for management that will include:

5. The purpose of the document.

6. Summary of findings

7. Limitations

8. Recommendations


. For writing assistance, please visit the 

Rasmussen College Writing Guide

. For assistance on correct business writing, please visit 

Business writing

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