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Assignment Content 1. Top of Form Competency Identify potential vulnerabilities using established network practices.

Assignment Content


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Identify potential vulnerabilities using established network practices.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the
Details & Information pane.


You are the project manager for a large project implementing an all-inclusive driver’s license system for your state. This is a very high profile system impacting many people and will be a safety concern if law enforcement cannot access information, so there will be many internal and external stakeholders. The IT Director has informed you that they want a full risk plan presented to the project team.

The plan needs to explain to the project team the purpose of the plan and how everything will be monitored.


Your plan needs to address the items below as they apply to the project:

1.    The purpose of the risk plan.

2.    Risk identification

3.    Risk analysis

4.    Risk monitoring, controlling, and reporting.

Your report should be 2-3 pages in length, written with 
professional language, and use proper spelling/grammar. If references are used, they must be cited and listed in APA format on a reference page at the end of the report.



· For assistance on correct business writing, please visit 

Business writing

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