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attached Final Paper Introduction: For the final paper, you will propose a research study related to health care. In each week


Final Paper Introduction:

For the final paper, you will propose a research study related to health care. In each week of the course, you will craft components of a proposed study. This first assignment starts your project. It is recommended you review Week 6 – Final Paper instructions for more information.

Assignment Introduction:

In research, it is almost impossible to study the whole population. Instead, researchers get a sample of the population to make inferences about the variables in the study. For this assignment, you will prepare an in-service education presentation to new research coordinators for a healthcare organization based on types of sampling.

For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes.

In your presentation,

· Describe the sampling approach, the intent of the sampling approach, the procedure for selection of participants, and the potential biases for each type of sampling listed below:

· Simple random sampling

· Systematic sampling

· Stratified sampling

· Cluster sampling

· Convenience sampling

· Snowball sampling

· Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of at least two sampling techniques.

· Examine
three data analysis tools from the following list:

· ANOVA Single Factor

· ANOVA Two Factor with Replication

· ANOVA Two Factor without Replication

· Correlation

· Covariance

· Descriptive Statistics

· Exponential Smoothing

· F-Test Two-Sample for Variances

· Histogram

· Rank and Percentile

· Regression

· t-Test Paired Two Sample Means

· Z-Test, Two Sample for Means

· Describe a healthcare example of the type of study used for each tool you selected.

The PowerPoint slides should include key concepts, and the details should be listed in the speaker notes. The recommendation is that you access Garr Reynolds’

Presentation Zen Design Tips

Links to an external site.

, which provides useful assistance with creating successful PowerPoint presentations. Submit your PowerPoint presentation through Waypoint. You can also review the Writing Center’s resource

How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation

Links to an external site.


The Types of Sampling presentation

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