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attached Comment to your peer: As we learn about behavior analysis, we know that we cannot assess an individual’s behavior to recommend an


Comment to your peer:

As we learn about behavior analysis, we know that we cannot assess an individual’s behavior to recommend an intervention program without evaluating the individual’s environment. It is important to familiarize yourself with the client and the setting where change is to take place. It is important to look at what could be affecting adaptive and challenging behavior. The people involved in the clients’ environment must be willing to lend support to accomplish behavior change. The analyst needs to communicate with people in control of the contingencies of reinforcement that is affecting the client. Some ways to ensure that all parties are on the same page include familiarizing ourselves with physical, material, and human resources in the family or organization where the behavioral change is to occur. Other ways include learning about the concerns, habit patterns, and values of the people involved within the environment. It is important to evaluate what adjustments might be required to continue with the changes such as staffing and material. There should be careful preparation to ensure all parties are on the same page before continuing with an assessment to avoid any difficulties.

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