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attached Comment to your peer: Stimulus generalization refers to a risk associated with punishment. Individuals respond to stimuli that have


Comment to your peer:

Stimulus generalization refers to a risk associated with punishment. Individuals respond to stimuli that have similar properties of those present as the behavior was being conditioned. Stimuli like the ones present during punishment might lead to similar reactions as those stimuli that were present when the punishment occurred. For example, a one-year-old baby can condition to fear a lizard that can result in generalization to all reptiles. Another example is to experience a frightening experience with a swimming pool that can be generalized to every water body including bathtub and beaches (p.695).  One strategy to teach stimulus generalization is “expanding” the pool of stimuli that set the occasion for the emission of those specific behaviors across these circumstances. It is important specify goals to clients clearly.

    Response generalization differs from stimulus generalization as it refers to the spread of an intervention effect from a targeted behavior to a similar non-targeted behavior. It should be noted that the act of interested is not intact as with stimulus generalization however, it starts shifting its form. For example, someone finishes reading a book about playing football and then tries to take a shot. He is able to strike a goal when he tries first but fails to do this afterwards. This type of response differs from an initially successful to a less successful try (p.460). An example of teaching response generalization includes teaching a child to ride a bicycle. It should be made sure that the child is familiar with the different aspects of a bicycle including helmets or the types of bikes. Then the child should be taught to ride the bike in different places under supervision. He/she should be taught about the skills that should and should not be used.

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