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based on the project plan and structure to compose the research project. PROJECT PLAN 1 PROJECT PLAN 1 PROJECT PLAN 1 Project Plan

based on the project plan and structure to compose the research project.




Project Plan

How social media has changed fashion trends is exploring the contribution of social media

marketing to fashion brand success.

Course: Research Project


How has Social Media Changed the Fashion Trend

Project Background and Justification

The fashion industry is among the most popular sectors leveraging social media for success. The increased utilization of social media platforms calls for adequate research on how its adoption has affected the fashion industry and fashion trends. Shin and Lee (2021) identified that fashion bloggers and influencers have received increased attention and debate, making it critical to evaluate their contributions to the fashion choices made by consumers. It is important to examine the role of social media platforms in disseminating fashion news, information, and trends globally. The approach will aid in understanding how social media influences fashion trends and choices. According to Shin and Lee (2021), such research is attributed to numerous social media platforms significantly impacting the flow of fashion industry-related information across all stakeholders. Most fashion companies have shown significant social media presence, illustrating active participation in marketing campaigns and brand awareness. It is vital to explore how social media marketing shapes fashion trends and the overall impact of such marketing approaches on the marketing trends of fashion products.

Project Aim

How social media has changed fashion trends is exploring the contribution of social media marketing to fashion brand success.

Project Objectives

The project will focus on several objectives to attain the project aim.

1. To examine how social media has contributed to fashion trends in the past ten years.

Such research will help fashion industry stakeholders understand the role of social

media in generating changes in fashion and the effect of such changes on fashion consumers.

2. To analyze the impact of social media influencers and fashion bloggers.

3. explore the role of social media influences and fashion bloggers regarding fashion choices made by fashion consumers.

4. identifying major social media platforms and their roles in shaping and distributing fashion trends to fashion consumers and brands.


I will employ an interpretivism research paradigm to examine how social media has changed fashion trends. The research will focus on qualitative content analysis as the primary research method. According to Maxwell (2021), qualitative research design can help capture the changing attitudes and perspectives of the target group. Qualitative content analysis research will be effective for social media and fashion-related projects since such studies focus more on nonnumerical variables and constructs. Researchers can determine the attitudes and perceptions of fashion product consumers, designers, and industry experts to help understand how social media has changed fashion trends. This research project will deal with data collected through a qualitative inquiry approach. The data collection will be through interviews, focus groups, and case studies. Data collection through interviews will target fashion industry experts, such as designers, social media fashion marketers, and influencers. Consumers of fashion products are broad and can be segmented based on different facets of fashion. Therefore, data from such individuals is effectively collected through focus groups, which entails groups that share much in common regarding fashion preferences and needs. Wu et al. (2020) explain that case studies also effectively collect data for an in-depth understanding of a particular subject. In this case, case studies will be employed to understand how fashion companies utilize social media platforms for fashion industry trend insights. Collected data will be analyzed through thematic analysis. Data analysis will be systematic, including sorting common themes through codes and examining the patterns the themes illustrate. The data results and findings shall be presented in data tables for illustrations.

Project Usefulness

The project will have significant benefits to several groups. Fashion industry experts can benefit from this project because the research project will provide extensive insights regarding how social media has changed fashion trends. This can help them strategize and develop policies and standards for operational success regarding their respective companies and brands. The research project can also help fashion designers understand customer preferences and demands, aiding them in developing fashion products that are attractive to consumers. Social media marketers and influencers can use this project’s results to understand global changes in the fashion industry better, helping them make informed decisions for the best brands. The research project is also incredibly beneficial to academic researchers because it offers insights for further research and provides a foundation for fashion design literature.


Maxwell, J. A. (2021). Why qualitative methods are necessary for generalization.

8(1), 111.



Wu, C. W., Guaita Martínez, J. M., & Martín Martín, J. M. (2020). An analysis of social media marketing strategy and performance in the context of fashion brands: The case of

Psychology & Marketing,
37(9), 1185-1193.

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