based on what you know about performance evaluations, use the Internet to research and select a performance evaluation tool that you believe is best


based on what you know about performance evaluations, use the Internet to research and select a performance evaluation tool that you believe is best suited for your company. Create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker’s notes to present this new tool to new supervisors.

  • Create a PowerPoint presentation to present this new tool to new supervisors. Include the following points:
    • Explain the benefits of using performance evaluations.
    • Assess the existing performance evaluation used in the organization.
    • Create a sample of the performance evaluation tool selected for the company.
    • Justify the selection of the performance evaluation tool.
    • Develop a detailed, step-by-step description of the evaluation process.

The PowerPoint presentation should be a minimum of 10 slides with corresponding speaker’s notes, in addition to a title slide and references slide. Include graphics as needed to improve, enhance, or clarify the content.

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