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BY DAY 3 OF WEEK 1 Post a response answering the following: · Explain the difference between ion channels and G proteins as


Post a response answering the following:

· Explain the difference between ion channels and G proteins as they relate to signal transduction and targets of medications.

· How would you answer the following patient question:

· My grandmother has a mental illness. I have the same genes as her. Will I also get the same mental illness?

Note: Your response needs to be supported and validated by three (3) scholarly peer-reviewed resources located 
outside of your course Learning Resources.

· Goldin, D. S. (2023). 
Fast facts for psychopharmacology for nurse practitioners. Springer Publishing.

· Chapter 3, “The Brain and Nervous System” (pp. 28–37)


Drugs.comLinks to an external site.
. (2023). 
Please use this resource to check the most up-to-date box warnings, FDA approvals and indications, recommendations for follow-up evaluations, changes, etc.

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