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Case Study


In 1959, Congress created the U.S. ACIR as a 26-member bipartisan federal commission to give
continuing attention to intergovernmental problems (Pub. L. No. 86-380, 73 Stat. 703). On
October 1, 1996, its authority to carry out the purposes stated in its Congressionally authorized
legislation “sunset’’Some scholars have called for its re-creation while others have mentioned it served little Purpose.

· Provide a scholarly paper for your support ordenial of the re-establishment of the U.S. ACIR.

· Provide a Biblically based support for your analysis.

Important notes
Sources must be derived from Read items assigned for the Module: Week in which the
Case Study is assigned, peer-reviewed journal articles, and independent research (no websites except the published government documents related to this assignment).
All citations and format must be in current APA format
Include 9 – 10 sources, not including Biblical analysis
Double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, written in 12-point Times New Roman fon, indent paragraphs 0.5”.Use required APA 7th Edition Style Guide, paragraph spacing should be 0 pt. before and after new paragraphs, use a dictionary and thesaurus, and edit the document before submitting.

Introduction (bold, centered)

Role of ACIR in Solving Intergovernmental Issues (bold, centered)

Reasons ACIR was Sunset in 1996 (bold, centered)

Reasons for Reinstating or not Reinstating the ACIR (bold, centered)

The New Role of the ACIR if Reinstated or if not Reinstated, What Group Would be Responsible for Coordinating Federal IGR (bold, centered)

Conclusion (bold, centered

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