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CHANGE IMPLEMENTATION AND MANAGEMENT PLAN To Prepare: · Review the Resources and identify one change that you believe is


To Prepare:

· Review the Resources and identify one change that you believe is called for in your organization/workplace.

· This may be a change necessary to effectively address one or more of the issues you addressed in the Workplace Environment Assessment you submitted in Module 4. It may also be a change in response to something not addressed in your previous efforts. It may be beneficial to discuss your ideas with your organizational leadership and/or colleagues to help identify and vet these ideas.

· Reflect on how you might implement this change and how you might communicate this change to organizational leadership.

The Assignment (5-6-minute narrated PowerPoint presentation):

Change Implementation and Management Plan

Create a 5- or 6-slide narrated PowerPoint that presents a comprehensive plan to implement changes you propose. 

Your narrated presentation should be 5–6 minutes in length.

Your Change Implementation and Management Plan should include the following:

· An executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting your organization/workplace (This can include the work you completed in your Workplace Environment Assessment previously submitted, if relevant.)

· A description of the change being proposed

· Justifications for the change, including why addressing it will have a positive impact on your organization/workplace

· Details about the type and scope of the proposed change

· Identification of the stakeholders impacted by the change

· Identification of a change management team (by title/role)

· A plan for communicating the change you propose

· A description of risk mitigation plans you would recommend to address the risks anticipated by the change you propose

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