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chapter 10 legal and ethical Chapter 10 – Legal and Ethical The wife of your 75-year-old client comes to you with the concern

chapter 10 legal and ethical

Chapter 10 – Legal and Ethical

The wife of your 75-year-old client comes to you with the concern that her husband has decided to make himself a DNR in his advance directives and does not wish to be resuscitated if his heart stops or he stops breathing. He was diagnosed in early stages of dementia last year, and she is afraid that he is “not in his right mind” to be able to make this decision.


1. Answer the following questions:

a. What would you share with the wife in regard to his rights in the advance directives decisions?

b. How can the nurse help the wife in this situation?

c. Can you think of some legal-ethical issues that might be relevant here?

2. Your paper should be:

. One (1) page or more.

. Use factual information from the textbook and/or appropriate articles and websites.

. Cite your sources – type references according to the 

APA Style Guide

3. Type your answers in a Word document and save the file.

4. Upload the file by clicking ”
Upload File“.

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